Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi’
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
In the context of an exhibition ‘Taku Rourou’ is each tauira and kaiako’s rourou (basket) of their toi journey through out the level 3 and level 4 programmes. Everyone contributes their rourou to share, celebrate and inspire to ensure tauira and their mahi toi continue to thrive and inspire others.
Our tauira produced some amazing art work and explored various mediums. This exhibition was a celebration of their toi journey and an opportunity to virtually share their mahi toi with whānau and friends.
This is an exhibition of art works created by tauira from Toi Maruata Level 3 & Kāwai Raupapa Level 4.
Venue: Porirua Campus, Te Whare Ohia, Te Ao Marama building (13th - 20th November 2021).