With over 80 locations nationwide, from Kaitaia in the north all the way to Invercargill in the south, there’s a campus near you.
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Te Tai Tokerau
Tāmaki Makaurau
2 William Pickering Drive, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
Albany Community Hub575 Albany Highway, Albany, Auckland 0632
Auckland CityLevel 10, 238 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
Birkdale200 Birkdale Road, Birkdale, Auckland 0626
Epsom33 Halifax Avenue, Epsom, Auckland
Flatbush21 Baverstock Road, Flat Bush, Auckland 2016
Glen Eden3 Glenview Road, Glen Eden, Auckland 0602
Glen Innes172 West Tamaki Road, Glen Innes, Auckland 1072
Grey LynnMonmouth St, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1021
Henderson207 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland 0610
15 Canning Crescent, Mangere, Auckland 2022
Manurewa44 Palmers Road, Clendon Park, Auckland 2103
New LynnLevel 1, 3047 Great North Road, New Lynn, Waitakere 0600
Northcote5 Akoranga Drive, Northcote, Auckland 0627
Northcote1 Kauri Glen Road, Northcote, Auckland 0627
Papakura29 Hunua Road, Papakura, Auckland 2110
Pukekohe44/74 Queen Street, Pukekohe, Pukekohe Hill 2120
Red Beach100 Jelas Road, Red Beach 0932
Rosedale90 Rosedale Road, Rosedale, Auckland 0632
Royal Oak617 Mount Albert Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 1023
Western Springs100 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland 1022
254 Ohaupo Road, Glenview, Hamilton 3206
Hamilton510 Te Rapa Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200
Head Office320 Factory Road, Te Awamutu 3800
Huntly113 Rotowaro Road, Huntly 3771
25 Manson Street, Taumarunui 3920
Taupō3 Gascoigne Street, Taupō 3330
Te Awamutu320 Factory Road, Te Awamutu 3800
Te Kuiti37 Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti 3910
Tokoroa71 Ashworth Street, Tokoroa 3420
705 Heretaunga Street West, St Leonards, Hastings 4120
Hastings205 Hastings Street South, Hastings 4122
Napier104 Station Street, Napier South, Napier 4110
20 Manakohi Street, Spotswood, New Plymouth 4310
Papaioea (Palmerston North)Centennial Drive, Palmerston North 4410
Whanganui68 Victoria Avenue, Whanganui 4500
Te Tai Tonga
120 Aerodrome Road, Burleigh, Blenheim 7272
Christchurch348 Manchester Street, Christchurch Central, 8013
Christchurch826 Colombo street, Christchurch
Dunedin65A Bridgman Street Kensington Dunedin 9012
Dunedin9 Shore Street, Andersons Bay, Dunedin 9013
Lower Hutt42 Wainui Road, Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt 5010
24 Lincoln Road, Masterton 5810
NelsonElms street
Ōtaki33 Te Rauparaha Street, Ōtaki 5512
Porirua3/5 Heriot Drive, Elsdon, Porirua 5022
Queenstown11 Hawthorne Drive Level 2, Dart House Remarkables Park Town Centre, Frankton, Queenstown 9300
Wanaka101 Plantation Road, Wānaka 9305
Wellington20 Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington 6011