Vanessa Eparaima

Council Chair

Vanessa moved back into the chair’s position in April 2021 after having previously served for a number of years as chair, then deputy chair for a period, helping lead the council through a busy time of change for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

Appointee: Skills-based

Iwi: Raukawa, Ngāti Tuwharetoa

Term ends: 28 July 2025

Vanessa is a business consultant, company director and former chief executive in the tourism sector. She sits on a range of commercial, investment and not-for-profit boards, including the Tūaropaki Trust, and is co-chair of forestry land management company CNI Iwi Land Management Ltd. She has a strong history of working with the wider community, kaumātua, iwi chairs, Ministers, Members of Parliament, and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for those she serves.

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Phone 0800 355 553 from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

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