Since the signing of the memorandum of understanding earlier this year between Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and Te Pūkenga the two organisations have been meeting regularly to colloborate on a number of workstreams in relation to RoVE. At the most recent hui, we discussed how we might work together on the transformation journey with ITOs that have transitioned into the the receiving entity, Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning (WBL). To determine how tauira can be best served in their vocational journey, our two organisations are exploring how to leverage strengths in our provision to design a model that responds to tauira needs and provides the best outcomes.
The RoVE project team has also met with each Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive to identify areas we can work together on the design of systems and processes that best serve tauira and support their success. This includes the complementary work already underway with our Te Ata Hāpara system of tauira pastoral care working alongside the Te Pūkenga Ākonga At The Centre workstream. Discussions are continuing, to consider further options for working together.