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Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is offering an exciting opportunity to bring students closer to their dream career.

From creating a resume that gets the attention of potential employers, learning important communication skills to developing research and essay writing skills, the NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation is for anyone serious about taking a decisive step towards a career.

Kaiako (tutor) Christina Nuku says the 18-week, fees-free programme which starts in Tauranga on August 5, will help anyone needing guidance and direction with their career choice or if they should consider further study.

She said the programme would help students to design a career plan that best suits their skills, passions and aspirations.

“A lot of the programme is individualised for people who don’t really know what they’re going to do but they know what their skills are,” she says.

“The programme allows them to get some focus about how to utilise these skills and build a plan for the future.”

Tauira (students) learn how to manage themselves for further study, resume and essay writing, job interview techniques and how to communicate with others.

They also learn literacy and numeracy, research and planning skills and how to apply tikanga Māori to their learning and in potential employment.

“A lot of this programme comes from a Te Ao Māori perspective so we look at manaakitanga (caring) and aroha (compassion) in the workplace and how these can be recognised as skills.”

“These are skills that people may take for granted but they are really highly valued by employers. It’s also about growing our emotional intelligence, we teach our tauira how to react and how not to react in certain situations.”

Christina says the programme has hours that she hopes will suit learners.

“It runs from Monday to Thursday at good hours from 9.30am to 2.30pm, so it should fit in with a lot of peoples’ schedules.”

For more information please call: 0800 355 553 or visit

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Published On: 24 July, 2019

Article By: James Ihaka

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