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Te Wānanga o Aotearoa relaunched their scholarships in 2023, and in 2024 are proud to announce the introduction of three new scholarships, two of which honour a couple of the institute’s founding members.

Based on their belief that education should be available and accessible to all peoples of Aotearoa, the scholarships are intended to help support tauira (students) with the financial challenges that can come with tertiary education.

Many of the scholarships are named after rangatira who helped pave the way for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa to become the well-respected and uniquely Māori tertiary provider it is today.

In 1983 in Te Awamutu, Te Iwi Kohuru (Boy) Mangu (a Māori Studies teacher) and Rongo Wetere (then a member of the college board) became concerned about the number of students, particularly Māori, being expelled from Te Awamutu College. They resolved to build a wharenui on the college grounds and to involve a group of expelled students in its construction. By providing these rangatahi an outlet for creativity and the opportunity to learn in a te ao Māori context, they hoped to make a difference in their futures, ultimately leading to the current vision: Whānau transformation through education.

Te Tumuaki Rongo H Wetere Scholarship recognises a tauira Māori who is the first in their whānau to study at a tertiary level. Naming this scholarship for the first and only Tumuaki of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, recognises the important role he played for many tauira Māori, to get them back on the path of education. Tauira Māori studying any programme are eligible.

Boy Mangu Mātauranga Māori Waharoa Scholarship recognises a tauira who demonstrates their commitment to the advancement of mātauranga Māori by studying a mātauranga programme. As a teacher, Boy Mangu spent much of his career encouraging tauira to learn about the importance of te ao Māori, and deeply valued the importance of mātauranga Māori for everyone in Aotearoa, especially those who were disengaged from mainstream education.

Both scholarships have been endorsed by their respective whānau.

The third new scholarship is the Te Pou Postgraduate Diploma Kaitiakitanga L8 Scholarship which is awarded to a registered health professional who is enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma in Kaitiakitanga L8 programme.

Scholarship applications are open from Monday, 1 April to Sunday, 30 June, and tauira are welcome to apply for any they are eligible for. Different eligibility criteria apply to the various scholarships.

Recipients will be expected to attend an award ceremony in Kirikiriroa Hamilton on Friday, 27 September 2024.

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa has been awarding scholarships since 2012. Prior to 2023, these were awarded as the Aotearoa Scholarships Trust and from 2024 onwards, they will be known as Te Kōpuretanga Scholarships. Te Kōpuretanga translates as stars shining through breaks in the clouds and can be understood to represent those who have excelled and have ‘overcome barriers’ to be recognised and rewarded with a scholarship. The aim of all scholarships are to reward tauira and support them with their studies.

Find out more about our scholarships.

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Published On: 28 March 2024

Article By: Gemma Bradly-Jacka

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