Transitioning Training Organisation (TITO) Update
The final submission date for Transition Training Organisations (TITOs) to submit their arranging training functions transition plans to TEC was 22 September. Connexis and BCITO have chosen to transition early to Te Pūkenga. To read more about this, please go to:
- Connexis transition to Te Pūkenga
- BCITO transition to Te Pūkenga and Toby Beaglehole heads up WBL Subsidiary
Workforce Development Councils (WDC)
Six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) were established on 4 October, these are:
- Ringa Hora - Services
- Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre
- Toi Mai - Creative, Cultural, Recreation and Technology
- Waihanga Ara Rau - Construction and Infrastructure
- Toitū te Waiora - Community, Health, Education and Social Services
- Hanga-Aro-Rau - Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics
WDCs provide industries greater leadership and influence across vocational education. They will set standards, develop qualifications and help shape the curriculum of vocational education to ensure it meets their industries’ needs. For more information about the six WDCs and their role in RoVE, go to Ohu Mahi.
Te Taumata Aronui
Te Taumata Aronui is another entity that has been established to reflect the Government’s commitment to Māori-Crown partnerships. Te Taumata Aronui is responsible for providing independent recommendations and advice to Ministers and officials on how tertiary education can respond better to the needs of Māori learners and communities. For more information about Te Taumata Aronui, check out the TEC website.
Centres of Vocational Excellence
Two Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) have been set up to drive innovation and excellence in vocational education, they are:
For more information on CoVEs and their role go to the TEC website.
Regional Skills Leadership Groups
Fifteen Regional Skills Leaderships Group (RSLGs) have been established to provide advice to TEC, WDCs and local vocational education providers about the skills requirements in their respective regions. For the latest information about these groups and local insight reports check out the MBIE website.