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A national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi was held last month and kaimahi and tauira from Whanganui took the opportunity to learn how to deal with such an emergency.

Five kaimahi and 25 tauira from the Whanganui site registered for the drill and in the four weeks prior to it being held, practiced the earthquake drill and tsunami evacuation. 

Kaimahi also made sure there was a site plan for a tsunami evacuation and identified the best assembly area. 

A video explaining how to Stop, Drop, Cover and Hold was played in the reception area.

On the day of ShakeOut, whistles were used to notify occupants of the three-storey building of the earthquake and to Stop, Drop, Cover and Hold.  Three minutes later, the fire alarm went off and the building was evacuated within three minutes. 

People taking part in the drill ranged in age from 17-65 and some tauira had physical restrictions, making it difficult to get under tables.

The tsunami evacuation saw everyone heading to the hill immediately behind the campus where a debrief was held for everyone taking part. All participants were then provided with Home Evacuation Plans.

As a follow up to the exercise, kaimahi will be checking first aid kits and the Civil Defence bin.

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