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Information from Te Wānanga o Aoteaora about upcoming events, recent news and notices.


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  • Art auctions support community causes

    It’s a labour of love for Whirikoka tauira, who are auctioning their art works for good causes in Gisborne.

  • Whānau links help land top scholarship

    A Te Wānanga o Aotearoa rangahau adviser has scooped one of New Zealand's most prestigious doctoral scholarships.

  • Doctorate success for duo

    By taking adversity and turning it into an academic study, Tumuratonga Keri Milne-Ihimaera and rangahau advisor Morehu McDonald have received the highest qualification awarded by a university - a doctorate.

  • Toi graduate creates PM’s wahakura.

    When Hemi May Kelly was studying towards her Maunga Kura Toi (Raranga) degree at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa she never imagined she’d be creating something for the first child of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

  • Whangārei tauira create little big things

    A pair of Taitokerau whakairo tauira are turning heads with their miniature take on one of Aotearoa’s most momentous occasions.

  • Virtual Reality pōwhiri provides unique perspective

    A Virtual Reality pōwhiri developed by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is turning heads at WOMAD 2018.

  • Credit where its due

    Kaihoe taking part in this year’s Te Wānanga o Aotearoa National Secondary School waka ama champs have the chance to earn NCEA credits while they paddle.

  • Paving the way in Ōtautahi

    People are walking all over Morehu Flutey-Henare’s work, and she couldn’t be happier.

  • Kirituhi fascinates facebook users

    More than 71,000 people have applied the Kirituhi Facebook Camera Effect developed by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa since it was launched at the WOMAD 2018.

  • Separating the best from the rest

    Kapa haka judge Pomare Tawhai will watch more than 60 groups over three days at this year's ASB Polyfest.

  • Passions for people is what drives Fia

    Recruitment is more than just a numbers game for Fia Wilson.

  • Home is where the reo is

    A Te Wānanga o Aotearoa te reo Māori programme has proved itself so popular that it is struggling to keep pace with demand.

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